Brazil Digital Nomad Visa: How to Get one in 2024

Flavio Amiel

Flavio Amiel

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Published in Remote Work on 12/14/2023
Brazil Digital Nomad Visa: How to Get one in 2024

Aside from being home to some of the most stunning natural beauty and most colorful cities in the world, Brazil was also the first country in South America to offer a dedicated digital nomad visa for foreign remote workers.

Since launching this initiative, Brazil has become the home of a thriving expat community that makes it a great home base for digital nomads who want to see more of the Western Hemisphere.

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at what the Brazil digital nomad visa offers and how you can apply for one ahead of your trip.

The Brazil Digital Nomad Visa

The Brazil digital nomad visa allows remote workers to stay in the country for an extended period, provided they meet specific eligibility requirements.

Some of the benefits you can take advantage of with this digital nomad visa include:

  • Legal residence in Brazil for up to one year, which can then be renewed for an additional year, provided you continue to meet the eligibility requirements. This is a considerable improvement compared to the standard tourist visa limit of 90 days.
  • Eligibility for a Brazilian ID card, which gives you access to a variety of essential services facilitated by the government.
  • The option to import your possessions from overseas without having to pay heavy taxes.
  • Access to the Brazilian health system with appropriate health insurance.

How to Get a Brazil Digital Nomad Visa

Acquiring a digital nomad visa for your stay in Brazil means securing proof of specific eligibility requirements and following the application steps set out by Brazil’s immigration departments.

Here’s how to make your application in five steps:

Step 1: Confirm You’re Eligible

The Brazil digital nomad visa has a number of requirements you’ll need to meet to ensure your application is successful.

Before you begin your application, you’ll need to have:

  • A passport valid for the duration of your planned stay.
  • Status as a remote worker, either as an employee of a foreign company, a self-employed freelancer, or another kind of business owner whose main interests are outside of Brazil.
  • A minimum of $1,500 USD monthly income, or $18,000 in a bank account at the time when you make the application.
  • Health insurance that is valid in Brazil.
  • A clean criminal record.

Step 2: Gather the Required Documents

Once you’ve made sure that you’re eligible to apply for the Brazil digital nomad visa, you’ll need to gather several pieces of documentation that you’ll be prompted for as part of the application process.

These documents include:

  • One recent passport-sized photo.
  • A copy of your passport with enough validity for your planned stay in Brazil.
  • Your original birth certificate.
  • Proof of remote work as an employee, freelancer, or business owner, e.g., in the form of an employment contract or client contract.
  • Bank statements covering the last three months that prove you meet the visa’s financial stability requirements.
  • A certificate of a criminal record check from your country.
  • Proof of health insurance coverage, e.g., a copy of your policy.

Step 3: Fill Out the Application Form

With your documents organized, you’ll be ready to start filling in the actual application form.

This can be primarily completed online and requires you to complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, start a new application, and upload your passport photo, signature, and other necessary documents when requested.
  2. Apply online and receive the digital Visa Request Form Receipt (RER).
  3. Print off and sign the digital receipt. This is valid for 180 days after it’s generated and must be presented at your in-person visa application at your local Brazilian consulate.

Step 4: Submit the Application

Though completing and submitting the online application form will create a record of your application process, in order to make a complete application, you’ll need to make an appointment at your nearest Brazilian consulate or embassy and submit your application in person.

At this appointment, you’ll need to submit your completed application, along with the necessary supporting documents and your printed and signed Visa Request Form Receipt (RER).

Step 5: Pay the Visa Fee

The final step in making your Brazil digital nomad visa application official is paying a non-refundable consular fee of $100 USD.

With this step completed, all you’ll need to do is wait for a resolution on your application, which can take up to four weeks.

Pros and Cons of the Brazil Digital Nomad Visa

Brazil has been a popular destination for digital nomads for some time. However, it’s certainly not the only country that offers a working visa specifically for nomads.

To help you weigh up your options, here are some of the key pros and cons to consider about the Brazil digital nomad visa:


  • The visa allows successful applicants to stay in Brazil legally for up to a year, with the opportunity to renew their visa for an additional year afterward.
  • A successful application for a Brazil digital nomad visa also gives you a Brazil ID card, which is an essential requirement for accessing many of the country’s basic services.
  • The flexible requirements of the visa make it open to nomads of all types, including foreign employees, freelancers, and business owners.
  • The visa application process is very affordable compared to many other digital nomad visas, with applicants only required to pay a $100 USD consular fee.


  • The Brazil digital nomad visa can’t be completed wholly online. It will require you to make an in-person appointment at your local consulate.
  • Some Brazilian consulates have varied requirements for new visa applicants, which can make planning the process more challenging.
  • Upon entering Brazil, you’ll need to register at your local police station to obtain your ID card and finalize the whole process, adding an admin step.

What’s Next

As one of the pioneers of digital nomad visas, Brazil can be a fantastic destination for adventurous remote workers looking to experience this gem of South America. We hope this guide to the Brazil digital nomad visa has helped you decide whether it’s right for you and helped you plan your next trip as a digital nomad.

If you’re looking for insurance for your visa application, be sure to check out some of our global insurance plans for digital nomads.